Good Luck in Spanish: Encouraging Quotes and Messages

Good Luck in Spanish is more than just a phrase it’s a warm and heartfelt way to wish someone success and happiness. Whether you’re sending good vibes to a friend before an important exam, encouraging a loved one on a new adventure, or simply wishing someone well, the right words can make all the difference.

In this article, you’ll discover 50 unique ways to express your well wishes in Spanish. From motivational and romantic messages to lighthearted and funny phrases, there’s something for every occasion. Keep reading to find the perfect words that will brighten someone’s day and show your support!

Romantic Good Luck Messages

Good Luck in Spanish romantic

Love is a powerful force, and when you want to wish someone good luck with a touch of affection, these romantic messages will help you express your feelings in the sweetest way possible. Perfect for partners, crushes, or anyone you hold dear, these words will surely make their heart skip a beat.

  1. “Te deseo toda la suerte del mundo. Siempre estaré aquí para ti.”
    (I wish you all the luck in the world. I’ll always be here for you.)
  2. “Que la suerte te acompañe en todo lo que hagas. Te quiero mucho.”
    (May luck be with you in everything you do. I love you so much.)
  3. “Con todo mi amor, te deseo un futuro lleno de éxito y felicidad.”
    (With all my love, I wish you a future full of success and happiness.)
  4. “Sé que vas a lograr todo lo que te propones. Mi corazón está contigo.”
    (I know you will achieve everything you set your mind to. My heart is with you.)
  5. “Toda mi energía positiva va contigo. Que el destino te sonría siempre.”
    (All my positive energy goes with you. May destiny always smile upon you.)

Romantic good luck messages are perfect for expressing your love and support while adding an extra layer of warmth and intimacy to the gesture.

Funny Good Luck Messages

Who says wishing someone good luck has to be serious? Sometimes, a lighthearted, humorous message can be just what they need to feel at ease. Here are some fun ways to wish someone the best, while keeping the mood cheerful and carefree.

  1. “¡Que la suerte te acompañe! Y si no, que al menos te acompañe el café.”
    (May luck be with you! And if not, at least may coffee be with you.)
  2. “Espero que la suerte te encuentre, aunque con lo distraído que eres, ¡no estoy tan seguro!”
    (I hope luck finds you, although with how distracted you are, I’m not so sure!)
  3. “Buena suerte, ¡pero no demasiado, que no quiero que seas más afortunado que yo!”
    (Good luck, but not too much, I don’t want you to be luckier than me!)
  4. “¡Que la suerte te sonría, pero que no se ría de ti!”
    (May luck smile upon you, but not laugh at you!)
  5. “Que todo salga bien… o al menos que lo intentes con estilo.”
    (Hope everything goes well… or at least that you try in style.)

Humor can be a great way to lighten the mood and bring a smile to someone’s face, especially when they’re preparing for something stressful.

Inspirational Good Luck Messages

When someone is facing a major life event—be it a career change, an exam, or an important project—offering a motivational message can fuel their determination. These inspirational good luck messages are perfect for pushing them to pursue their dreams with confidence and courage.

  1. “Confío en ti, sé que tienes todo lo necesario para alcanzar tus metas. ¡Adelante!”
    (I believe in you, I know you have everything it takes to reach your goals. Go for it!)
  2. “La suerte favorece a los valientes, así que con tu valentía, seguro que lograrás todo.”
    (Luck favors the brave, so with your courage, you’ll surely achieve everything.)
  3. “No necesitas suerte cuando tienes tanto talento. ¡El mundo es tuyo!”
    (You don’t need luck when you have so much talent. The world is yours!)
  4. “La suerte llega a quienes no tienen miedo de arriesgar. ¡Que cada paso te acerque más a tus sueños!”
    (Luck comes to those who aren’t afraid to take risks. May each step bring you closer to your dreams!)
  5. “Este es solo el comienzo de algo increíble. ¡Mucho éxito en todo lo que hagas!”
    (This is just the beginning of something amazing. Wishing you success in everything you do!)
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These messages are filled with encouragement, designed to remind the recipient of their inner strength and potential.

Supportive Good Luck Messages for Friends

Good friends are there through thick and thin, and sometimes they just need a reminder that you’ve got their back. These supportive good luck messages will reassure them that they’re not alone and that you’re rooting for them every step of the way.

  1. “Te deseo lo mejor en esta nueva etapa. ¡Sé que lo harás increíble!”
    (I wish you the best in this new chapter. I know you’ll do amazing!)
  2. “A veces la vida puede ser un reto, pero sé que eres más fuerte que cualquier obstáculo. ¡Mucha suerte!”
    (Life can be a challenge sometimes, but I know you’re stronger than any obstacle. Good luck!)
  3. “Aquí estaré, animándote siempre. ¡La suerte está de tu lado!”
    (I’ll be here, cheering you on always. Luck is on your side!)
  4. “Que todo te salga bien, pero recuerda que el mejor viaje es el que haces con amigos como yo a tu lado.”
    (I hope everything goes well, but remember, the best journey is the one you take with friends like me by your side.)
  5. “No hay desafío que no puedas superar. Tienes todo mi apoyo.”
    (There’s no challenge you can’t overcome. You have all my support.)

These are perfect for friends embarking on new adventures or tackling tough situations. It’s all about reminding them that you’re there for them, no matter what.

Heartfelt Messages for Family

Family is the foundation of our support system. When a loved one is about to take on something important, their family’s encouragement can be the most meaningful. Here are some thoughtful ways to wish them good luck.

  1. “Mi familia siempre ha sido mi fuerza. Te deseo mucha suerte en este nuevo camino, ¡te quiero!”
    (My family has always been my strength. I wish you lots of luck on this new path, love you!)
  2. “Sé que la suerte te va a acompañar, pero lo más importante es que tienes el amor y el apoyo de toda la familia.”
    (I know luck will be with you, but the most important thing is that you have the love and support of the whole family.)
  3. “Te deseo éxito, salud y mucha alegría. Que todo te salga bien en esta nueva aventura.”
    (I wish you success, health, and lots of happiness. May everything go well in this new adventure.)
  4. “Estamos todos tan orgullosos de ti. Te deseamos toda la suerte del mundo en este nuevo comienzo.”
    (We’re all so proud of you. We wish you all the luck in the world in this new beginning.)
  5. “Que la dicha y el éxito te sigan siempre. Mi familia te apoya con todo el corazón.”
    (May happiness and success always follow you. My family supports you with all our hearts.)

Motivational Good Luck Messages

Sometimes, a little motivation can go a long way. These messages are designed to inspire strength and determination, perfect for someone tackling a tough challenge.

  1. “Tienes la capacidad de lograr todo lo que te propongas. Que la suerte te impulse aún más.”
    (You have the ability to achieve everything you set your mind to. May luck propel you even further.)
  2. “La vida te está abriendo nuevas puertas, no tengas miedo de cruzarlas. ¡Mucho éxito!”
    (Life is opening new doors for you, don’t be afraid to walk through them. Much success!)
  3. “Cada paso que das te acerca más a tus sueños. Estoy seguro de que lo lograrás.”
    (Every step you take brings you closer to your dreams. I’m sure you’ll make it.)
  4. “Nunca subestimes el poder de tu esfuerzo y determinación. ¡La suerte te sonreirá!”
    (Never underestimate the power of your effort and determination. Luck will smile upon you!)
  5. “Recuerda, el esfuerzo siempre tiene su recompensa. ¡Te deseo mucha suerte en todo lo que hagas!”
    (Remember, effort always pays off. I wish you lots of luck in everything you do!)
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Luck Wishes for Professional Success

In the world of work and career, success is often just around the corner, and a little encouragement can help get there. Here are messages tailored to support someone in their professional journey.

  1. “Te deseo mucho éxito en tu carrera, que cada paso te acerque más a tus metas.”
    (I wish you much success in your career, may each step bring you closer to your goals.)
  2. “Que tu trabajo sea reconocido y tus esfuerzos recompensados. ¡Mucha suerte!”
    (May your work be recognized and your efforts rewarded. Good luck!)
  3. “Tienes un talento increíble, solo hace falta mostrarlo. ¡Te deseo toda la suerte en tu nuevo proyecto!”
    (You have amazing talent, it just needs to be shown. I wish you all the luck in your new project!)
  4. “La clave del éxito es nunca rendirse. Que la suerte te acompañe en cada desafío profesional.”
    (The key to success is never giving up. May luck be with you in every professional challenge.)
  5. “Tu futuro profesional es brillante, solo tienes que seguir tu camino. ¡Mucha suerte!”
    (Your professional future is bright, you just need to follow your path. Lots of luck!)

Lucky Messages for Big Life Changes

Big life changes can feel overwhelming, but they’re also full of potential and excitement. These messages will offer encouragement for someone facing a major shift.

  1. “Cambiar de rumbo siempre trae nuevas oportunidades. Te deseo mucha suerte en esta nueva etapa de tu vida.”
    (Changing direction always brings new opportunities. I wish you lots of luck in this new phase of your life.)
  2. “Este cambio es solo el comienzo de algo increíble. ¡Mucha suerte en todo lo que viene!”
    (This change is just the beginning of something incredible. Good luck with everything that comes next!)
  3. “Sé que este nuevo capítulo traerá consigo nuevas experiencias. Te deseo toda la suerte del mundo.”
    (I know this new chapter will bring new experiences. I wish you all the luck in the world.)
  4. “Con valentía y perseverancia, este nuevo camino te llevará lejos. ¡Mucho éxito!”
    (With courage and perseverance, this new path will take you far. Much success!)
  5. “Aunque el cambio a veces asusta, sé que traerá grandes oportunidades. Que la suerte esté siempre contigo.”
    (Although change can sometimes be scary, I know it will bring great opportunities. May luck always be with you.)

Encouraging Good Luck Messages for Students

Exams, projects, and educational challenges can be stressful for students. These encouraging messages will provide the perfect boost.

  1. “Estoy seguro de que vas a dar lo mejor de ti. Te deseo mucha suerte en tus estudios.”
    (I’m sure you’ll do your best. I wish you lots of luck in your studies.)
  2. “Este examen es solo un paso más hacia tu futuro. ¡Confío en que lo vas a lograr!”
    (This exam is just one more step toward your future. I trust that you will make it!)
  3. “La suerte solo sigue a aquellos que están preparados. ¡Mucho éxito en tus estudios!”
    (Luck only follows those who are prepared. Good luck with your studies!)
  4. “Con tu dedicación y esfuerzo, ¡no hay nada que te detenga! Te deseo suerte en todo lo que hagas.”
    (With your dedication and effort, nothing can stop you! I wish you luck in everything you do.)
  5. “Sigue luchando por tus sueños, que la suerte te acompañe en tu camino académico.”
    (Keep fighting for your dreams, may luck be with you on your academic journey.)

Short and Sweet Good Luck Wishes

Sometimes, a simple, concise message is all that’s needed to send good luck with sincerity. Here are a few brief but meaningful ways to wish someone well.

  1. “¡Te deseo mucha suerte!”
    (I wish you lots of luck!)
  2. “Que todo te salga de maravilla.”
    (May everything go wonderfully for you.)
  3. “¡Muchísima suerte en todo!”
    (Wishing you lots of luck in everything!)
  4. “Te envío toda mi buena energía.”
    (Sending you all my good energy.)
  5. “¡Que la suerte te acompañe siempre!”
    (May luck always be with you!)
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Good Luck for New Beginnings

Starting something new can feel daunting, but it’s also a time for great potential. These messages are ideal for someone embarking on a fresh start, whether it’s a new job, a move, or any kind of new chapter.

  1. “Hoy comienza una nueva aventura. ¡Te deseo mucha suerte y éxito!”
    (Today starts a new adventure. I wish you lots of luck and success!)
  2. “Empezar de nuevo es emocionante. Que la suerte esté de tu lado en este nuevo comienzo.”
    (Starting over is exciting. May luck be on your side in this new beginning.)
  3. “Que todo lo nuevo que emprendas te traiga mucha felicidad y éxito.”
    (May everything new you embark on bring you happiness and success.)
  4. “Los nuevos comienzos siempre vienen con desafíos, pero también con grandes recompensas. ¡Mucho éxito!”
    (New beginnings always come with challenges, but also great rewards. Good luck!)
  5. “Cada nuevo día es una oportunidad para hacer algo increíble. ¡Te deseo mucha suerte!”
    (Every new day is an opportunity to do something incredible. I wish you lots of luck!)

Best of Luck Messages for Travel

For someone about to embark on a trip, whether for business or leisure, sending them off with a message of luck can make their journey even more special.

  1. “Que cada paso en tu viaje esté lleno de aventuras y momentos inolvidables. ¡Buen viaje!”
    (May every step of your journey be filled with adventures and unforgettable moments. Safe travels!)
  2. “Te deseo un viaje lleno de nuevas experiencias, que la suerte te acompañe en cada destino.”
    (I wish you a journey filled with new experiences, may luck be with you at every destination.)
  3. “Espero que tu viaje sea tan increíble como tú. ¡Mucha suerte y diversión!”
    (I hope your trip is as incredible as you are. Lots of luck and fun!)
  4. “Viajar es una forma maravillosa de aprender y crecer. Que la suerte te guíe.”
    (Traveling is a wonderful way to learn and grow. May luck guide you.)
  5. “Te deseo un viaje seguro y lleno de buenas experiencias. ¡Disfruta al máximo!”
    (I wish you a safe trip filled with great experiences. Enjoy to the fullest!)

Good luck phrases in Spanish specifically tailored for job interviews

A table with good luck phrases in Spanish specifically tailored for job interviews:

Phrase in SpanishEnglish Translation
¡Te deseo mucha suerte en la entrevista!Wishing you lots of luck in the interview!
¡Que todo salga bien en tu entrevista!Hope everything goes well in your interview!
¡Estoy seguro de que lo vas a hacer genial!I’m sure you’ll do great!
¡Te mando toda mi buena energía!I’m sending you all my good energy!
¡Mucha suerte, que tengas una entrevista exitosa!Good luck, hope you have a successful interview!
¡Estoy seguro de que dejarás una gran impresión!I’m sure you’ll leave a great impression!
¡Confío en que conseguirás el trabajo!I trust that you’ll get the job!
¡Que tengas mucha suerte y confianza en ti mismo/a!May you have lots of luck and confidence in yourself!
¡Espero que te vaya increíble en la entrevista!I hope you do amazingly well in the interview!
¡Buena suerte! ¡Que logres lo que deseas!Good luck! Hope you achieve what you want!

This table offers a variety of messages, from general good luck wishes to specific phrases that aim to boost confidence and encourage a positive mindset.

Creative Ways to Personalize Your Good Luck Message

Personalizing a good luck message can make it even more meaningful. Here are a few practical tips for making your wishes stand out:

  • Use specific details: Instead of just saying “Good luck,” mention the specific event or challenge. For example, “I know you’ve been working so hard on your project—good luck, and I can’t wait to hear all about it!”
  • Reflect their personality: Tailor the tone of your message to fit the person. A light-hearted, funny friend may appreciate humor, while a more serious friend might respond better to an inspirational quote.
  • Add a little surprise: If you want to go the extra mile, consider adding a small gesture—like a lucky charm, a thoughtful gift, or a shared memory that ties into the good luck message.


Sending someone good luck in Spanish is a beautiful way to convey support, warmth, and positive energy. Whether you’re offering a romantic wish, a funny remark, or a motivational boost, your words have the power to lift someone’s spirit and inspire them to succeed. With these 50 heartfelt, playful, and inspirational messages, you’re equipped to spread love and encouragement in a variety of situations. So go ahead—share your wishes and make someone’s day brighter with your words. After all, a little bit of good luck is always better when shared!

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